AUSA International Consulting

Your Road to Success

About US

AUSA International Consulting Group is a dynamic international education company headquartered in New York City, passionately dedicated to promoting educational diversity and cultural exchange. Our mission is to create enriching experiences for students worldwide. Supported by our dedicated offices in Beijing and Xi’an, China, we ensure seamless, high-quality service for all our students and their families. Trust AUSA to provide the expertise and support needed to thrive in an ever-connected world.

Student Service

AUSA's International Student Services program is dedicated to helping international students find the best schools tailored to their needs. We guide students in creating the optimal study abroad plan and assist them in seamlessly integrating into American culture and its education system. Our comprehensive services include, but are not limited to:

  • Homestay and Housing Services: We meticulously review the backgrounds of potential host families and cooperate with qualified host families to provide a secure and comfortable living environment for students.
  • Extracurricular Development: We offer a variety of activities and programs that enhance students' personal growth and enrich their educational experience.
  • Application Services, Admissions Preparation, and Visa I-20 Assistance: Our experts provide step-by-step guidance through the application process, admissions preparation, and obtaining the necessary visa documentation.
  • SAT & TOEFL Test Prep: We offer specialized test preparation courses to help students achieve high scores on their SAT and TOEFL exams.
  • Airport Pick-up and 24/7 Emergency Contact Access: Our reliable staff provides airport pick-up services and round-the-clock emergency support to ensure students' safety and peace of mind.
  • Regular Check-Ins: We conduct weekly home visits and organize monthly activities to monitor students' progress. Families can request detailed reports on their child's academic performance and emotional well-being on a monthly basis.
  • Academic Tutoring and Support: We offer one-on-one tutoring sessions from highly qualified tutors from top U.S. universities, including Harvard, MIT, and Columbia. These tutors help students excel academically, often achieving A grades in challenging courses.
  • Personalized Study Planning and Supervision: Each student receives a tailored study plan and continuous supervision to help them stay on track with their academic goals.
  • Comprehensive Guardianship and Welfare Support: We provide 360-degree guardianship services, including 24/7 consultation with parents, learning supervision, host family selection and coordination, summer camp planning, and physical and mental health care.
  • Background Enhancement: Our team collaborates with former admissions officers to provide expert guidance on essay writing, background enhancement, and school selection, helping students gain admission to top 20 schools.
  • Highly Qualified Local Educators: Our foreign teachers are local educators from top U.S. liberal arts colleges, ensuring that students receive the best possible instruction and support.

With AUSA, students receive comprehensive support every step of the way, ensuring they have a successful and enriching experience studying abroad. Trust AUSA to make your educational journey in the U.S. both rewarding and unforgettable.

Educational Ambassadors

USA's Education Abroad program offers educators an exhilarating opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture, gain practical work experience, and earn college credit all at the same time! We place proficient English-speaking Americans in Chinese schools, where they can teach English full-time to their preferred age group for one year. While abroad, participants enjoy a host of benefits:

  • Housing and Living Stipend: Comfortable accommodations and a generous living stipend to ensure a pleasant stay.
  • Air Ticket Reimbursement: Reimbursement for round-trip airfare to make your journey more affordable.
  • Academic Credit: American college students participating in the program can earn valuable academic credit towards their degrees.
  • Unlimited Re-enrollment: Education Abroad Alumni in good standing have the opportunity to re-enroll in the program as many times as they wish, allowing for continued cultural exchange and professional growth.

Join AUSA's Education Abroad program and embark on a rewarding adventure that broadens your horizons, enhances your teaching skills, and enriches your professional and personal life. Trust AUSA to provide the support and resources needed to make your international teaching experience truly unforgettable.

Host Family

Hosting an international student is a heartwarming experience that allows families to play a crucial role in a child's personal development while also expanding their own worldview. Often, the children of host families gain a new friend and learn a new language simultaneously. Participating in a host family program offers a unique opportunity for intimate cross-cultural learning and personal growth for both the student and the host family.

Host families receive a monthly stipend of $1,000, and additional bonuses are available for referring new host families. Join our host family program and embark on a rewarding journey that enriches your family's life while making a lasting impact on a young student's future. Trust AUSA to support you in creating memorable and meaningful experiences.

Membership schools

Hosting international students is a win-win situation for participating schools. These students bring financial benefits that wouldn't be possible by relying solely on domestic students. Moreover, in today's globalized world, competitive schools take pride in their diversity. Cultural competency is a highly valued trait in the workforce, and having a diverse student body enhances this attribute.

This diversity not only boosts the school's reputation but also equips alumni with valuable skills as they apply for higher education or enter the job market. By hosting international students, schools can create a rich, inclusive environment that prepares all students for success in a multicultural world. Trust AUSA to help you foster an atmosphere of diversity and excellence.


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